Monday, November 7, 2016

Prop. 1 Mobility Bond

    Austin Mayor Steve Adler has proposed a plan to better Austin roads, sidewalks and trails. This plan, Proposition 1, would cost $1.5 billion; $720 million of that would be a bond payed for by taxpayers. The goal of Prop. 1 is to improve traffic on major roads such as Lamar and Guadalupe, decrease congestion, add more "travel options", add more sidewalks and crosswalks, add remotely controlled traffic lights, create new turn lanes and bays, consolidate driveways, and raise medians on the sides of roads. There is a general consensus in Austin that infrastructure must be fixed to accommodate the larger population, however, what needs to be fixed and how is where Austinites disagree. A survey done by Austin Monitor shows that 46% are in favor while 45% are opposed, and just 9% are undecided. Austin is truly split on this issue.
    Those in favor of Prop. 1 believe it is just what we need to make our roads safer. They like the ideas proposed by the city and do not mind the extra $5 a month is will cost them. Those who do not like the plan say that it is too much money for the wrong kind of work. They think the plan will cause more traffic, take way longer than projected, will end up costing taxpayers more money then promised, and will affect local business's ability to attract customers. They do not agree that our money should be going to trails and sidewalks. Some of the money will go towards "beautifying the streets" which has caused many to believe this is a redevelopment bond in hiding.
    I will be voting on this Proposition tomorrow and honestly, I am torn. I have lived in Austin my whole life and have watched it grow. Lamar has single-handedly ruined my tires and messed up my alignment. I know changes need to happen, but I do not know if Prop. 1 is the answer. There seems to be a lot of sketchiness and lack of information. The biggest question I have is; What does the timeline for this project look like? When will it start? When will it end? Will all these roads be under construction at the same time? Not a single source could answer this question. Having driven on the migraine that is Mopac under construction for many more years than I was promised, I know that Austin is not good at getting construction done on time.Now what about the rest of the $1.5 billion not coming from taxpayers? Only one source could somewhat answer that: " the city will then look beyond taxpayer dollars to fund the rest of the projects". Where is that money coming from? What happens if we cannot get it? I mean it is not guaranteed that we will get outside funding from what I have read. Also, the belief that this bill is secretly a redevelopment bill is concerning to me. I do not want my government lying to me about their intentions. Adler seems to have the right idea about what needs to change on Austin roads, but is Prop. 1 what we need? I know that come voting time tomorrow I will still be as conflicted and will need a nice, long, hot bath afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting analysis. There are so many unknowns in the proposal and I myself am having second thoughts. I voted yes because this city is in desperate need for some infrastructure that can accommodate its fast growth. But after learning more about prop 1, I don't think it will be doing much to address Austin's traffic. It's a sad situation.
